King's Bounty - Legions Wiki

Upgradable Items are Weapons and Armour that can be upgraded by completing tasks with the items equipped.

The Following Groups of items can be upgraded

Worn Family (set craftable from Level 1 to 6)

Worn Family helmetWorn Family sabatonsWorn Family swordWorn Family shieldWorn Family beltWorn Family cuirass

Worn Family helmet
Worn Family sabatons
Worn Family sword
Worn Family shield
Worn Family belt
Worn Family cuirass

Antique Family (set upgraded from Level V Worn Family)

Antique Family helmetAntique Family sabatonsAntique Family swordAntique Family shieldAntique Family beltAntique Family cuirass

Antique Family helmet
Antique Family sabatons
Antique Family sword
Antique Family shield
Antique Family belt
Antique Family cuirass

Valuable Family (set upgraded from Level V Antique Family)

Valuable Family helmetValuable Family sabatonsValuable Family swordValuable Family shieldValuable Family beltValuable Family cuirass

Valuable Family helmet
Valuable Family sabatons
Valuable Family sword
Valuable Family shield
Valuable Family belt
Valuable Family cuirass

Dominator's (Prize From Clan Challenges or Crafted)

Dominator's HelmetFile:Dominator's Boots.pngDominator's SwordDominator's ShieldFile:Dominator's Belt.pngFile:Dominator's Armor.png

Dominator's helmet
Dominator's Boots
Dominator's Sword
Dominator's Shield
Dominator's Belt
Dominator's Armor

Military (set upgraded from Dominator's)

Military Helmet of the TitanMilitary Sandals of the TitanMilitary Sword of the TitanMilitary Shield of the TitanMilitary Belt of the TitanMilitary Armor of the Titan

Military Helmet of the Titan
Military Sandals of the Titan
Military Sword of the Titan
Military Shield of the Titan
Military Belt of the Titan
Military Armor of the Titan

Soldier's (set upgraded from level III Military)

Soldier's Helmet of the TitanSoldier's Sandals of the TitanSoldier's Sword of the TitanSoldier's Shield of the TitanSoldier's Belt of the TitanSoldier's Armor of the Titan

Soldier's Helmet of the Titan
Soldier's Sandals of the Titan
Soldier's Sword of the Titan
Soldier's Shield of the Titan
Soldier's Belt of the Titan
Soldier's Armor of the Titan

Knight's (set upgraded from either Titan's, or level IV Soldier's)

Knight's Helmet of the TitanKnight's Sandals of the TitanKnight's Sword of the TitanKnight's Shield of the TitanKnight's Belt of the TitanKnight's Armor of the Titan

Knight's Helmet of the Titan
Knight's Sandals of the Titan
Knight's Sword of the Titan
Knight's Shield of the Titan
Knight's Belt of the Titan
Knight's Armor of the Titan

Lord's (set upgraded from Artful Titan's)

Lord's Helmet of the TitanLord's Sandals of the TitanLord's Sword of the TitanLord's Shield of the TitanLord's Belt of the TitanLord's Armor of the Titan

Lord's Helmet of the Titan
Lord's Sandals of the Titan
Lord's Sword of the Titan
Lord's Shield of the Titan
Lord's Belt of the Titan
Lord's Armor of the Titan

Royal (set upgraded from Lord's)

File:Royal Helmet of the Titan.pngFile:Royal Sandals of the Titan.pngFile:Royal Sword of the Titan.pngFile:Royal Shield of the Titan.pngFile:Royal Belt of the Titan.pngFile:Royal Armor of the Titan.png

Royal Helmet of the Titan
Royal Sandals of the Titan
Royal Sword of the Titan
Royal Shield of the Titan
Royal Belt of the Titan
Royal Armor of the Titan